Best toy ever

wish I’d found this early. Both my children were/are/will always be obsessed with buckles and clips. 

my buckles bring all the kids to the yard

 No buggy or bag or carrier is safe from little meddling hands trying to push the parts together. I was going to try and Make something for Gracie to fiddle with while in the car until I found this on Amazon Buzzy Buckle toy.  

amazon screen shot until i remember to snap G playing with it

She loves it, of course she still manages to nip her own fingers in the buckles (she has a gift for mild self harm). I’m

Buying this for all friends with babies now!


Hand me downs

We’ve kept lots of Maxs old clothes for G to grow into. PJ’s , cute tshirts and crocs seem to be the most abundant in my giant ‘I can’t let these little kid clothes go just yet’ box. And today I made the discovery that Max’s tshirts from last year make excellent nighties for Gracie. This is a favourite shirt that’s been worn for 2 years by the boy and has now found a new owner

nearly 2 year olds are rubbish at changing bed linen

We have a reader

Max is a fantastic reader. I’m so happy he shares my love of books – I’ve suspected this for a while  and his new found love of reading his school books to his sister has helped confirm my suspicions. He’s reading for pleasure and not because I’ve told him (yelled when his constant bouncing around drives me over the edge and longing for some quiet time) its reading practise time or he’s at school. 

This also eases the guilt that we don’t read to Grace enough. Max had a story every night before bed. His favourite, aged just 2, was one I made up about the much loved Dog-Dog being lost in the woods and Daddy going to find him and bring him home. I haven’t told that story for a long time but recently Max mentioned the time Dog-Dog got lost in the woods as if it was a real life thing that happened! 

This Kipper guy has a lot of adventures

When kids become helpful

We’ve been giving Max some chores. Not for money – he still thinks 2ps are the best as they’re the ‘biggest brown ones’. Every Monday night he has to take (drag) the bins out and every Saturday make sure there are spare toilet rolls in all the bathrooms. This is on top of the usual stuff of making his bed and folding his PJ’s under his pillow (this has maybe happened 1 time!) or taking his dirty dishes to the kitchen. Even little G likes to help out, she’ll happily empty the dishwasher passing cutlery piece by piece shouting “TA TA TA” until you take it off her.

tough week, recycle & refuse collection

Toddler soft play survival

After spending the morning at a local soft play venue I am a little traumatised.

Softplay during the week isn’t too bad, as long as you arrive early and are wearing comfortable attire.

By comfortable I mean dressing like you’re off to the gym for a sweaty hour long session.

You’ll be running, climbing up foamy steps, bouncing, rolling between giant padded rollers (my personal favourite) and generally following your child around like a shadow.
Not because they’re incapable of playing alone but due to other older children and your toddlers ability of thinking he’s immortal and impervious to harm.
These little terrors (‘Other Children’) run, push, shove, climb up the slide when your precious is trying to slide down, throw stuff all of which seems aimed at your toddler (Don’t worry I know that’s just the little darlings enjoying themselves whilst playing).

Make sure you’re wearing comfy hole free socks. See that giant soft play ‘cage’ filled with small children running amok? You’re going in there.

You should try and steer clear of cheap legging’s that look like tights, this goes for Dads too, no one wants to see your pants whilst your bent over a Little Tikes car trying to untangle your child from the foot peddle after he’s run himself over
Low slung jeans are also a no no, MumBumâ„¢ is never something we want to see whilst lugging a small child over some padded play area. Invest in a belt or better still see my earlier point on gym attire!

Keeping a supply of tissues or wet wipes about your person is imperative. Toddlers leak snot at an alarming rate. If your not there to catch it, we could end up drowning in the stuff.
Finally it helps if you have friends (allies) with you, that way you can take a time out for a comfort break and sit back & watch the red faced little tinkers run amok while you sup weak tea.

Beep Beep

Vege strike

What do we want? No vege’s when do we want them? Never!!
Max will not eat straight up vegetable’s. It’s driving me a bit bonkers as I hate throwing food away and there’s always a small pile of the healthy stuff left on his plate after meal times.

I’ve discovered a few sneaky ways of writing veg into the boy.

Bolognese with finely chopped carrots
Pasta with cream cheese & finely chopped spinach
Roasted vegetables puréed with store bought pesto
Finely chopped peppers & onions in cheese quesadilla’s
Omelettes with chopped mushroom & ham
Courgette & cheese muffins River Cottage recipe

I’m hoping that as he gets older I can reason with him, explain how they’ll make you awesome etc! Spinach makes you stronger, sweet corn makes you giant (maybe jolly too), carrots help with bionic night vision. The usual stories we were all spun as children!